by The Waterways Journal Weekly

Earlier this year, Massman Construction replaced the anchorages for the miter gates at Locks 24 and 25 on the Upper Mississippi River. Lock 24 is located near Clarksville, Mo., while Lock 25 is near Winfield, Mo. The project involved removal of the miter gate leaves with one of Massman Construction’s barge-mounted “ringer” cranes so as to allow for the replacement of the anchorages, which connect the gates back to the lock structure itself. Work commenced December 15, 2019, and both locks reopened to navigation on March 31.

Neither of the locks has an auxiliary chamber, meaning navigation was at a standstill during the schedule-critical winter-season project.

“While the gates themselves have been replaced in the past, the anchorages were still original to the locks, which date to the late 1930s,” said John Buback, a field engineer with Massman.

The Corps of Engineers performed repairs and maintenance to the gate leaves while Massman replaced the anchorages.



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